Homemade Cheese Stuffed Spicy Garlic Bread Recipe | Food Celebrations

2020-04-23 5

Homemade Cheese Stuffed Spicy Garlic Bread Recipe | Food Celebrations
Yeast 1 Tbsp
Sugar 1 Tbsp
Warm Water ½ cup
Flour 2 & ½ cups
Salt to taste
Oil 2 Tbsp
Butter 2 Tbsp
Garlic powder ½ tsp
Oregano ½ tsp
3 Garlic cloves chopped
A little coriander
Chilli Flakes ½ tsp

Activate the yeast in warm water and sugar by allowing it to rest for 15 minutes. When foamy, add to the flour. Then add salt, garlic powder, oregano, chopped cloves of garlic and oil. Knead well and brush some oil on it. Let the dough to rest for 1 hour till it doubles in size. After 1 hour knead again. Roll out the dough. Prepare a mixture of melted butter, garlic and coriander. Spread this mixture on the rolled-out dough. Place shredded mozzarella cheese and fold the dough. Spread the butter and garlic mixture on it. Sprinkle oregano and chilli flakes on it. Let the dough proof for 30 minutes. Sprinkle a little semolina on a baking tray. This will make the garlic bread crusty from the outside. Then bake at 180 degrees centigrade for 15 – 20 minutes.